Exclusief interview met Paul "Semtex" Daley
Lees het interview met een van de beste MMA vechters Paul Daley.
Dit interview (voor Vechtsport Info) is door niet zomaar iemand afgenomen, maar door Alin Cimpan, hij is extra vanuit Roemenië naar Engeland gereisd i.v.m. de voorbereiding op zijn volgende partij, en wordt o.a. door Paul getraind!
Tussen de zware training sessies, door heeft hij de tijd en moeite genomen om dit interview exclusief voor Vechtsport Info te doen. Paul Daley is een Engelse professionele MMA vechter en kickboxer, die momenteel in Bellator's Welterweight divisie vecht.
Paul Daley Interview
Alin: We can say that you have an impressive fighting record, it did not come easy. You started out practicing karate, how did your karate background influence your current fighting style?
Paul: Well it was my door to martial arts. The first step, so after this the rest is pretty much history.
Alin: In your opinion who’s fit to start MMA? Must they have a martial arts background?
Paul: I think MMA is a Sport. But it's important to have a MARTIAL ARTS background. Weather BJJ, MUAY THAI, BOXING, KICKBOXING, WRESTLING. I think it's good to master an art as best you can. MMA is the sport of putting these together.
Alin: Cross fight are getting hot these days (McGregor vs Mayweather) Would you consider stepping into a boxing ring to fight a boxer? Or any other martial artist in that matter?
Paul: Maybe when I was younger I would of boxed. Now I'm just focusing on the next step.
Alin: Is there a difference in fighting fot the UFC or Bellator for example? If so in what expect?
Paul: It's the same. The sport is the same. Opponents are all very tough at this level.
Alin: You have a very impressive track record in fighting? Where do you see yourself in the MMA top ten?
Paul: I think I am one of the top 5. KO Specialist in the sport. I go for the kill all the time.
Alin: Which opponent was the hardest to fight up to now?
Paul: It's a hard question...I've had a lot of tough fights.
Alin: Which win or fight is your most cherished one?
Paul: I love them all. Wins and losses to learn and move forward.
Alin: Are their any ambitions after your fighting career? Other paths you want to follow?
Paul: Family and business. To be happy and healthy for them and them for me.
Alin: What would be your advice be to young talents when they want to compete at top level?
Paul: Keep going. Be smart and surround yourself with good people. But this is a Learning curve.
Alin: Is there any title you don’t have your aiming at, at the moment?
Paul: I fight for the next. Fight to win and see what's next.
Alin: You give other fighters the chance to train with you, what’s the main thing you want to bring across or teach them
Paul: Have an open mind, see the whole sport and styles and methods. Not just your own. Be open, development of good relationships also.
Alin: Any last words you want to share with our readers?
Paul: Follow me at Facebook. Also bigtko.com and SPIRITDOJOLEGACY.co.uk
Vechtsport Info wordt gemaakt voor en door vechtsporters en natuurlijk voor de fans, en zijn wij er trots op dat wij toonaangevende vechters zoals Alin Climpan tot onze bijdragers mogen rekenen, wij danken hem dan ook voor zijn moeite en tijd.
Wij hebben besloten het interview in het Engels weer te geven, dit omdat het interview met Paul Daley ook een groot aantal internationale lezers zal interesseren.
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